
I love checking people out. That sounds really creepy, but I do. I love seeing what people are wearing, how they're wearing it, what makeup they're wearing and how they're wearing it and of course looking at their hairstyles.

I do get bad cases of hair envy. When I was really young, my cousin went to turkey and had her hair braided in cornrows and had beads glued to the ends of the plaits. Yes glued. Can you imagine how damaging that could be?! But I had a bad case of hair envy. I wanted MY hair to look like that! They were so cool! So when I went to Turkey, of course the first thing I did was have my hair braided.

~ Taken from ~
 Then when I was a little older, the big thing that got the green monster in me growling was those little hair wrap things you can get done on holiday. For a few years I had them done every time I went away.

Next, was straight hair. Oohh I loooved straight hair, and its only when I look back now that I cringe because my hair was so straight that it was practically moulded to my head. I was also envious of highlights at this point, but my mum wouldn't let me get them done so I kinda got over them pretty quickly.

Mine was even straighter than Vanessa's. She looks good, I didn't!
 Then came my absolute obsession with big, voluminous hair. It stemmed from seeing how a girl in my class did her hair. It was gorgeous, all big and shiny and sleek. Just thinking about it makes me want to whip out my comb and start backcombing. I think it was all to do with her blow drying technique. Anyway, I went through a phase were I would put rollers in my hair every night after blowdrying it, and I did get it quite like hers, not not exactly like hers. And it was a lot of effort which I couldn't be bothered to keep up lol.

Me trying to get big hair.

Now though, I'm really into red hair. Not because of Rihanna, because of Doe Deere. Her hair used to be a beautiful bright orangey red, and I ADORED it. In fact, when I went to America and bought the same hair dye she used and mentioned in her blog. When I used it, it didn't go as red as hers though; it came out more of a coppery ginger colour.

Nomnomnom I looooooove this colour! <3
 However, I persevered and found a colour that I liked, which I blogged about here. It has faded a lot, but is still a lovely red colour, though I need to dye it again.

What's your hairspiration?


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